Monday, December 27, 2010
One Week Later
Mike's numbers continue to rise. In the last week we've seen an increase to 5.9 in the PSA score. He's had two of the Jevtana treatments and will have another blood test in 10 days. I guess we'll see where we are then. It's getting harder to post these numbers.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The New Numbers
Well, I'm not sure what I can say about the new chemo. Mike's PSA is still rising (5.6) but maybe we will see a small drop after a couple more treatments. That's not a bad thing as holding steady is considered progress right now. He has been scheduled for at least three more treatments of Jevtana. After that we will reassess and regroup.
Thanksgiving was really great this year. We were able to see so much of the family. And now we hear that Mike's dad has come through his surgery with flying colors. Way to go, Dad!
Thanksgiving was really great this year. We were able to see so much of the family. And now we hear that Mike's dad has come through his surgery with flying colors. Way to go, Dad!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Change of Plans
There was a change of plans for the next round of chemo. When we returned last week, the doctor had decided NOT to continue the Taxotere. So Mike is now starting four rounds of Jevtana. That's the plan for the moment anyway. Everything is so dependent on what the PSA numbers are after treatment. I've heard and read that Jevtana is also well tolerated. Mike is convinced he will lose the rest of his hair. But honestly, the man has been concerned about his hair since I met him 25 years ago.
It was so good to see everyone at Thanksgiving. Seems like things are changing so fast that we don't know each other at all anymore. I guess that happens as the kids get older and the adults have more time to pursue our own career goals and hobbies. It was funny to hear someone ask why I would go with Philip to a division seminar for the Coast Guard. I'm working with both the local and federal level of the Auxiliary now.
Mike's temp job lasts until the end of this month. After that we are continuing the search for more permanent employment. Lately I've been thinking of going back to work for someone else. Looking at whatever options are available at the moment which means a government job may be a good fit. Imagine, I could do work for the government and they would actually PAY me. LOL. Naw, couldn't be.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
One more time.
Well, the news was not good this time around. Mike's PSA is up to 4.22. The doctor would still like to go one more round with the chemo at the beginning of December. After that, we'll have to look at what options are left.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
PSA is 3.57
As it stands now. Meaning after the third treatment but before we have the results of the fourth. Mike had his fourth treatment today and they will do some more blood workups next week. Depending on what the results are, the doctor may order more chemo. Mike is tolerating it quite well so we may need to go more rounds with it.
Also, it looks like we will come down to SoCal for Thanksgiving this year. Get your dinner requests in now. Chef Mike is coming to town.
Also, it looks like we will come down to SoCal for Thanksgiving this year. Get your dinner requests in now. Chef Mike is coming to town.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
New Hair Cut
Since Mike's hair has been making it's escape during chemo, we thought we'd try something new. So this morning I gave him a modified "high & tight" cut. He looks good, huh?
Next round of chemo is this Thursday, October 21. Test results should be available by Monday, October 25. I'll keep everyone updated.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Second Round - Blood Test
Mike's PSA result came back today at 4.34. Better. Still not great. However, we have been scootin' around together quite a bit lately and trying to have some fun in between treatments.
Mike at the Smashmouth concert.
Scene from our Laughlin weekend. This was Oatman, AZ.
No, I did not get out of the car.
Disability Awareness event in Las Vegas
Friday, September 24, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
First Blood Tests - First Round
So, after the first treatment the first blood tests were taken a week later. So far the PSA is down to 5.6. Good news. His white cell count is down as well but that was to be expected. I have all the boys washing their hands as soon as they get in the house. Don't care where they've been, just don't want them tracking germs in.
There will be another blood test right before the second dose of chemo on Wednesday, September 29. I will be out of town from Sunday, September 26 until that Wednesday. So I'll be there to check on him right away.
There will be another blood test right before the second dose of chemo on Wednesday, September 29. I will be out of town from Sunday, September 26 until that Wednesday. So I'll be there to check on him right away.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Mike has tolerated the first chemo treatment fairly well so far. He says he's feeling pretty good actually. I suppose if anyone can "breeze through" chemo, it would be Mike. We hope it continues to be easier than expected. As soon as we have any more test results I will post them.
Mike was just recently hired through a temp agency to do some work for IGT in the department of a long time friend of ours. I just want to thank Will McMaster for giving me a call and letting me know about this availability. Will is a real friend and a good man.
Mike was just recently hired through a temp agency to do some work for IGT in the department of a long time friend of ours. I just want to thank Will McMaster for giving me a call and letting me know about this availability. Will is a real friend and a good man.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Chemo starts today
Today he starts the chemo. I didn't realize it but they don't let spouses in for that.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
The Other Side of the Coin
We were very glad to hear that the bone scan and CT scan came back clean. However, the doctor continues to see a rise in Mike's PSA. We are now just over 8. So it looks like he will be starting chemo treatments. Should be finished inside of twelve weeks, starting asap. Fortunately it is a one hour treatment every 3 weeks, 4 treatments total.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Bone Scan Negative
Got the results back recently. The scan and CT were both negative. No bone metastasis is good news. It means we are still at stage 3 and holding.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Bone Scan Today
I'll try to post results as soon as I know anything.
In the interesting new category - I found a reference to a real Antram (not Antrim) family crest. And darned if it isn't a Griffin! LOL. So I'm redoing my entire coat of arms to reflect this.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Vacation was lovely but...
Mike's PSA is now at 5.06. I'll try to keep everyone updated when there are more tests scheduled.
Other items: Found out that Philip cannot enlist in Coast Guard this year. Has to wait until next year.
Gregory will be starting 7th grade at the end of this month.
And that's kind of all I can manage right now.
Other items: Found out that Philip cannot enlist in Coast Guard this year. Has to wait until next year.
Gregory will be starting 7th grade at the end of this month.
And that's kind of all I can manage right now.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
WSOP 2010
Looks like Mike will be joining the tournament this year. So glad he's decided to try it. He's picking his satellite carefully for maximum payoff to the Main Event. The Main Event starts in July but there is plenty of action going on right now.
Happy Father's Day, Dads!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
He Passed. NO, Philip passed his finals!
Crap. As soon as I typed the headline I knew I would have to clarify it.
Anyway, Prince Philip will be graduating with his class. He called us today from school to say he'd passed his English final and pulled his semester grade up. We were very happy NOT to have to deal with summer school.
He comes home with the paper that the teachers have to sign that says he passed each of his classes. HE CAME HOME WITH IT. As in, the paper he had to turn in to the office today that tells the school admin that he CAN graduate.
I swear, after this last infection I'm so weak that he's just gonna kill me. Someone please use my ticket for the graduation if I'm 6 ft under by the 11th.
Anyway, Prince Philip will be graduating with his class. He called us today from school to say he'd passed his English final and pulled his semester grade up. We were very happy NOT to have to deal with summer school.
He comes home with the paper that the teachers have to sign that says he passed each of his classes. HE CAME HOME WITH IT. As in, the paper he had to turn in to the office today that tells the school admin that he CAN graduate.
I swear, after this last infection I'm so weak that he's just gonna kill me. Someone please use my ticket for the graduation if I'm 6 ft under by the 11th.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Prom 2010 and St. Viator Foundation
April 24 has always been a busy day. First of all it's David's birthday. (Happy Birthday, Little Brother!) This year he turned 40. Amazing.
This year it was also Bishop Gorman's Senior Prom AND the St. Viator Foundation dinner. For those that don't know, I have been involved with the St. Viator function since Philip was 5 years old. The kids that he grew up with at St. Viator mostly went to Bishop Gorman High School. So when Midori Bernal asked Philip to attend with her, I was thrilled. He would get to go to Sr. Prom with the kids he grew up with. Between dropping him off, taking pictures, forgetting the corsage, and me trying to get to the hotel for my event, it got more than a little crazy that night. There was so much more that went on but I'm mostly trying to forget it.
So this year:
Anyway, here are some pictures.
This year it was also Bishop Gorman's Senior Prom AND the St. Viator Foundation dinner. For those that don't know, I have been involved with the St. Viator function since Philip was 5 years old. The kids that he grew up with at St. Viator mostly went to Bishop Gorman High School. So when Midori Bernal asked Philip to attend with her, I was thrilled. He would get to go to Sr. Prom with the kids he grew up with. Between dropping him off, taking pictures, forgetting the corsage, and me trying to get to the hotel for my event, it got more than a little crazy that night. There was so much more that went on but I'm mostly trying to forget it.
So this year:
- Philip only took one girl, not three like last year.
- We bought Philip his first tuxedo instead of renting.
- The St. Viator event was a masquerade ball.
- I won my 12 noon Mass parking spot again thanks to Susie Portz. I had to leave early and Susie took over the live bidding for me. God, I love that woman.
Anyway, here are some pictures.

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Good Faith in Prince Philip
In an effort of good faith on my part, I have shot some graduation pictures of Philip. I know he can do it (and we had the lighting set up for Philip's friend's pictures anyway).
I'll post a few more on my artist's blog at
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Good News and Bad News
Which do you want first? Good news? OK.
- The good news is that Mike's tumor is considerably smaller after the 8 weeks of radiation.
- The bad news is that his PSA is up again. The score was 3.9 yesterday.
I give up guessing what all this means. So I'll just give you my humble opinion. The tumor in his prostate has shrunk because that's what radiation does. It zaps the sucker into oblivion. What I'm not convinced it does is erase the rest of the cancer from anywhere else. That is what his body is fighting right now. The stuff that has already spread. His radiation was very specifically targeted to the largest problem areas. So, while the score is not terribly high, it is rising.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Sorry so long
I know it's been a while since I posted. I plead stress. Anyone wanna argue with me? No? Good. OK, back to being civil.
We had a very nice visit with Steve and Sherry and Elise Relf last weekend. Elise turned 21 so we felt even older than usual. Also Mike's mom and Tony came to visit. We really had a lovely start to the boys' spring break. So now that Easter is over and the boys go back to school tomorrow, I need to get back to some serious work. Deadlines are looming.
We had a very nice visit with Steve and Sherry and Elise Relf last weekend. Elise turned 21 so we felt even older than usual. Also Mike's mom and Tony came to visit. We really had a lovely start to the boys' spring break. So now that Easter is over and the boys go back to school tomorrow, I need to get back to some serious work. Deadlines are looming.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Post Radiation Test Results
I'm not feeling up to asking for a drumroll here.
PSA now stands at 3.7
Testosterone Levels still at 22.
PSA now stands at 3.7
Testosterone Levels still at 22.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
The Sell-Off Begins
Anyone need a piano? This week’s task has been to look around at the larger items that we do not use on a daily basis and try to come up with a list of what we can live without. As much as it pains me, the piano is at the top of this list. I love our piano. But the boys no longer take lessons and it is worth a lot of money. Hopefully I will be able to sell it for a reasonable amount.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Ultrasound Results and Other
The doctor's office called us back with the results of the ultrasound test. Kidneys look good. Just some minor swelling which may be due to the radiation. Also, the ultrasound showed that the tumors in Mike's bladder have shrunk, which is what we were hoping the radiation would do. So the doctor's appointment next week is cancelled (also good).
In the Bummer column: Mike has a cold. So the anti-biotics for the bladder infection, the full series of radiation treatments, and the virus are all making him very tired. Hopefully next week he will feel better.
In the Bummer column: Mike has a cold. So the anti-biotics for the bladder infection, the full series of radiation treatments, and the virus are all making him very tired. Hopefully next week he will feel better.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Post Radiation
So we are finally post radiation. Mike is very tired and now has a bladder infection. The doctor has given him anti-biotics that make him very tired so he's sleeping more during the day. Tomorrow we have an ultrasound appointment to check on some other issues. Test results and any other post radiation treatments will be posted as I know them. Much love to everyone.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Final Radiation Treatment
Tomorrow constitutes the last of Mike's series of radiation treatments. These treatments have taken their toll as we expected. To celebrate the end of them, and just for the heck of it, Mike will be going down to So. Cal. on Friday for a poker party (what else?). To those of you who will be there, I'd just like to say, bring only what you can afford to lose.
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